The diet you feed affects your pet health and nutrition. People's animals are becoming healthier than their owners as people focus more and more on pet health and nutrition although they maintain the same hectic lifestyles for themselves. We took a random poll of two dozen Vet Organics customers to see how they are treating their animals vs. how they are treating themselves. What we found was that our customers are generally moving towards whole and even organic foods for their animals and supplementing them with things like Omega 3's and vitamins. When we asked them about their own personal health care habits, many admitted they do not eat as healthily as their pets. Tania Davis, Co-Founder of Vet Organics, feeds her dog a diet of half (reconstituted) organic, freeze-dried veggie mix and half raw animal protein. "For the meat, I get whatever is on sale at the supermarket--raw beef, pork chops, even chicken quarters and give her some every day." When asked about the danger of bones or contamination with e-coli, she replied "we've been feeding her like this since we got her at 2 months. She had the occasional loose stool early on, but that rarely happens anymore. And she devours raw bones as if they were biscuits." "We also supplement with Omega 3 for her skin and coat. If people ate like that," says Tania, "we'd all be a lot healthier."