please visit for more info on stopping puppy mills! In order to restrict the sales of animals from puppy mills, the city of Chicago has implemented an outright ban on the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits at pet stores. The move was spurred by The Puppy Mill Project, a group dedicated to eliminating puppy mills. Industry groups supported by pet stores are opposed to the move. But activists have noted that after 20 years, the industry has done nothing to eliminate or reduce the problem. Closer to where Vet Organics is located in South Florida, the city of Delray Beach is working to ban the sales of animals specifically from puppy mills. Another nearby city, Coral Springs, has enacted the following language in their fight against puppy mills: "...facilities where dogs are bred for the purpose of being sold and where any two of the following conditions exist: more than 20 puppies are on-site; no genetic health testing is done; females are bred every cycle; females are bred more than five times; there are no records on the parents; or more than eight dogs are held in one cage." According to the American Pet Product Association, only 3 percent of dogs and just 1 percent of cats are purchased from pet stores.