There is no question that pet product trends are heading in crazy new directions. Now more than ever, pet parents are working to spoil their pets in addition to providing them with the basics of food, shelter, and cuddles. In fact, pet spending in the U.S. is expected to jump from $56 billion in 2013 to $60 billion in 2014. This has led a few savvy business professionals to launch pet-aimed products and services that 10 years ago would have seemed ludicrous, but today are finding success. Personal trainers that provide specialized dog workouts, pet-driven online dating sites, and pet perfumes are just some of the big expenditures being taken on by loyal pet parents in the spirit of improving their pet’s quality of life. On the product end of these trends, we’re seeing pet perfumes and high-end organic shampoos, specialized pet suites in new home construction, and even the option to send pet remains to space -- for the low, low price of $12,500. One thing’s for sure, pet owners are trending towards an increased willingness to invest in products that previously would have been considered off the wall; pets are becoming an increasingly valued portion of many American homes. It’s an excellent time to launch a pet-centered business and it’s an excellent time to be one of America’s millions of beloved cats and dogs.