
Famous Dogs in Art

Famous Dogs in Art

Dogs have long been a popular theme in art from all ages and all over the world. Several famous works have used dogs in order to represent some subtext about...

Feb 24 2016

Famous Dogs in Art

Dogs have long been a popular theme in art from all ages and all over the world. Several famous works have used dogs in order...

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Dog Saliva: Healthy or Harmful?

Dog Saliva: Healthy or Harmful?

Dog drool: friend or foe? Some people believe that since dogs lick their own wounds to help them heal, they should be able to work the same magic on human...

Feb 18 2016

Dog Saliva: Healthy or Harmful?

Dog drool: friend or foe? Some people believe that since dogs lick their own wounds to help them heal, they should be able to work...

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Protecting Your Dog from the Cold

Protecting Your Dog from the Cold

Tips for Cold Weather and Warm, Happy Dogs It’s that time of year again…the cold has settled, the snow is falling, and that’s only the beginning. When temperatures drop, dogs...

Feb 10 2016

Protecting Your Dog from the Cold

Tips for Cold Weather and Warm, Happy Dogs It’s that time of year again…the cold has settled, the snow is falling, and that’s only the...

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Strange Dog Behavior...

Strange Dog Behavior...

Dog behavior can be strange, but usually has survival origins. The Origins of Bed Circling & Other Odd Dog Behaviors If you spend a lot of time with your dog,...

Feb 04 2016

Strange Dog Behavior...

Dog behavior can be strange, but usually has survival origins. The Origins of Bed Circling & Other Odd Dog Behaviors If you spend a lot...

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